Abolishing Child Sex Slavery – The Abolitionists Documentary
One of my passions is bringing awareness to truly noble causes. A cause that I wholeheartedly support and that has gained momentum in recent years due to Tim Ballard and his work with Operation Underground Railroad is the abolishment of child sex slavery. Recently released, the documentary The Abolitionists is awakening a sleeping world to the reality of the nightmare that nearly 2 million children worldwide are experiencing every day. Private individuals and organizations are answering the call and getting involved to help fund rescues and rehabilitation of child victims. What can you do?
1. Become an Abolitionist
If going on a jump mission isn’t quite your thing, consider helping to fund a mission instead. It is easy to become an abolitionist. My family signed up for a reoccurring donation. You can pick the amount you want to donate and each month you can actively be involved in this fight. Click here to donate.
2. Buy Hope Essential Oil
I love dōTERRA essential oils and have enjoyed the emotional benefits of the emotional aromatherapy blends. I was recently given a bottle of Hope oil and literally fell in love with the aroma. I carry it in my purse and when my children or I need a little comfort and “hope”, I get out my roller bottle and apply it over the heart and breath deeply. This particular blend was formulated specifically for children who have undergone trauma and abuse and is donated freely by dōTERRA to at-risk children.On December 1, 2016, you can now purchase a bottle of Hope oil. All the of the proceeds from the sale of this oil go directly to the Operation Underground Railroad. It is win-win. I am stocking up for the holidays and buying several for gifts. Giving just got better. Email me at kalliwilson@gmail.com for more details.
3. Go see the movie and invite others to see it too
Our lives are changed in the moments, and my commitment to this caused was changed when I was invited to a friend’s house to watch a movie. From the producers of Schindler’s List, The Abolitionists documentary takes you into the streets and back alleys of several foreign countries with Tim Ballard and his team as they help find lost children and execute rescue missions. Their work is risky, but well planned and inspiring. During the filming of the movie, 7 traffickers were arrested and 57 children were rescued. Unlike other documentaries that solely bring awareness, this documentary is stirring a movement and I personally invite you to let that movement work in you. Leave changed and commit to becoming an abolitionist by funding more missions through the O.U.R. My children watched the documentary too and Tim Ballard is their new real life super hero.