Returns and Refunds Policy
Thank you for shopping at
If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we're here to help.
Our physical products (not digital) can be returned within 30 days of the original purchase of the product. A new product may be exchanged for another product or returned for a refund.
To be eligible for a return, please make sure that:
The product was purchased in the last 30 days
The product isn't used or damaged
You have the receipt or proof of purchase
Products that do not meet these criteria will not be considered for return.
Please contact us before you send the product:
By email:
Send the product with the receipt or proof of purchase, to:
Kalli Wilson Company
PO Box 431
Springville, UT 84663
Shipping charges
Shipping charges incurred in connection with the return of a product are refundable.
Damaged items
If you received a damaged product, please notify us immediately for assistance.
Sale items
Sale or clearance items cannot be refunded.
Digital products
Due to the immediate, direct access to digital materials, videos and assets, we do not offer refunds with the exception of the Life ReLaunch Program (see details below). Please read the details and descriptions of each course module so you understand what you are purchasing.
The only exceptions would include:
Product not delivered (if you haven't received the delivery email from us)
Download issues (if you experience problems while downloading the product)
Major defects. All our products are tested properly, but unexpected errors may occur.
You must contact us via email at within three (3) days of purchasing digital material to receive a full refund.
We recommend contacting us for assistance if you experience any issues receiving or downloading our products.
We do not guarantee that our products are fully compatible with any third-party software. We do not issue refunds if our products are incompatible with any third-party software, except for those that are specified on the page of each product.
The Life ReLaunch Program comes with a fourteen (14) day risk-free trial from the date of enrollment. If you complete the assigned work and are not satisfied, we'll offer you a refund under this Agreement less any external fees subject to the following conditions:
Deadline to Apply for Refund. You must submit your refund request to within fourteen (14) days of your day of purchase by 12pm MST on the fourteenth (14th) day. The refund deadline is firm.
Completed Course Work. You will need to turn in your completed course work. Completed coursework is defined as full completion of the Welcome Module, Module 1 and Module 2 (if applicable) including videos, workbooks, downloadables, and materials for refund consideration.
Company Discretion. After you submit your materials, all refunds are within the Company’s sole discretion as to whether to grant or deny the refund request.
Please do not enroll in Life ReLaunch if you only want to "check it out." An extraordinary effort went into the creation of this Program and is for serious students only.
All requests for refunds must be in writing and delivered by mail or email. Voicemail or verbal correspondence does not constitute written cancellation notice. Cancellation notice is accepted according to the email time-stamp or postmark date on the correspondence. Email cancellations must be sent to
You will receive a confirmation email indicating your cancellation was received by Kalli Wilson Company. If you have not received a confirmation email from Kalli Wilson Company within 24 business hours, please send another email to
Postmarked cancellations must be sent to:
Kalli Wilson Company
PO Box 431
Springville, UT 84663.
If you received products in conjunction with a Program registration, you must return them unopened and in excellent condition for a refund to be processed. Allow 30 days for any qualifying refund to be processed. All Program dates, times, locations, content, and number of
attendees are subject to change without refund, including but not limited to using recorded
and/or digital material in lieu of a live event.
Kalli Wilson Company reserves the right to reverse any purchase, via refund.
Private or Group Coaching Packages
After enrolling in a private or group coaching program offered by Kalli Wilson Company, you have three (3) business days to cancel and receive a full refund. After the three day period, no refunds will be issued unless otherwise specified in the course description. Please see full coaching package description for more details and mentor's agreement.
Contact us
If you have any questions about our Returns and Refunds Policy, please contact us:
By email: