Professional bio
Kalli Wilson wears many hats—she's an international speaker, certified life and wellness coach, entrepreneur, podcaster, and a mother of five. Her passion lies in offering simple yet powerful insights and tools to help people navigate overwhelm and self-sabotage to fulfill their greatest work on earth. Inspired by this vision, she founded the Life ReLaunch Project—a program guiding individuals toward a more meaningful life focus—and the Family ReLaunch Project, designed to assist busy working parents in mastering the tools of self-government to thrive both at home and at work.
A graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN), Integrative Wellness Academy (IWA), Brilliant Living Holistic Health Coaching Program (HHC), and Teaching Self-Government Mentorship Program (TSG), Kalli holds a B.A. from Brigham Young University in international studies with an emphasis on development. Leveraging her expertise, she actively supports various non-profit organizations dedicated to the growth and sustainable success of women and children worldwide, earning her the honor of multiple guest speaker appearances at the United Nations.
As a wellness and essential oil enthusiast, Kalli and her husband John serve as doTERRA Presidential Diamond Wellness Advocates, leading a multi-million dollar sales team with a global reach. Their platform empowers others through health, leadership, and entrepreneurial education.
Kalli is an experienced presenter and intriguing guest for in-person or virtual events, podcasts, or media appearances.
"Kalli Wilson is the real deal. She has a fabulous and unique combination of skill-set, intuition, and grit. She uses her many talents, generously shared, to help each person make life changes in ways that are powerful and significant."
Connie Sokol, Best Selling Author, TV Media Personality & Founder of Balance reDefined
A little backstory
IMy family was hit with a triple whammy a few years ago. Our family's sole provider, my husband, was diagnosed with an incurable auto-immune disease. As he began to recover, he was in a car accident that worsened his condition. Then, to top things off, our small piano business failed due to the economic crisis of the early 2000s. We lost our home and packed everything we had into storage and our minivan, wondering where we would end up.
I felt like I was on a sinking boat. Something had to change and change fast. I had to fight for my little family but didn't know what to do or how to start. I needed better tools to help my husband's health. I needed to find a way to pay the bills and still be home for my kids. I also wanted to be happier and handle the ups and downs of life better. I checked out every book I could find on life change and wealth building. Armed with prayer, I sat down on a quiet Sunday and wrote a new chapter.
I loved this new chapter. My family was healthy, thriving, and achieving incredible financial success. My marriage felt infused with a new connection. Work took me worldwide as I partnered with amazing people who created massive positive change. I felt hopeful and happy again - in my body, home, and life.
I asked myself, "Could this new chapter happen for someone like me? Someone who makes mistakes? Someone who's struggling and buried deep?"
I took a bold leap, chopped off my hair, created my first Soul-Synced vision board, and relentlessly leaned into my new chapter. Even though I continued to fumble through life, I worked on it every day with unwavering faith and focus (and had a lot of fun along the way).
Three years later, IT ALL CAME TRUE AND MORE. Every. Single. Word. I started a business that has generated millions in revenue. I found incredible natural health solutions to better care for my health and family. I partnered with amazing people leading global movements, reaching countless lives. PINCH ME NOW!
Everything changed when I listened to my heart and took persistent, inspired action.
I now help other people do it, too.
You have one precious life! As you refine your dreams, up-level your skills, and get strategic support, you'll also see PROFOUND SHIFTS happen for you. Trust me, your miracles are waiting.
P.S. A Hawaii-raised hula dancer, I'm a sucker for Asian food, good chocolate, essential oils, and living room dance parties with my kiddos. International travel is my love language, and ambitious, purpose-driven people are my jam.
My method
Soul-Synced is a phrase that dictates everything I do and my coaching method. It's anchoring your thoughts, emotions, and actions towards a deliberate life path set aside for a higher purpose and impact. It doesn't just happen. It takes a generous amount of contemplation, planning, and execution. When done right, it opens doors and makes life infinitely more rewarding. I've had the privilege of working with Olympic athletes, professional entertainers, life and health coaches, entrepreneurs, medical professionals, CEOs, and homeschooling moms. No matter the person's background, when they make living Soul-Synced a priority, they gain greater confidence in their life's purpose, find richer meaning and joy in everyday life, and grow in competence to impact the world for good.
My approach involves nurturing growth and balance across the four critical body systems: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. I help clients identify their highest-impact priorities and dominant stressors through a meticulous initial assessment. We then collaboratively sculpt a holistic life plan, vision board, and new daily habits that aligns with the individual's unique strengths, challenges, and objectives. Focus areas may include thought work, health and wellness, relationships, time management, parenting and home life, spirituality, career, financial prosperity, charitable work, creativity, and FUN!
A goal strategy plan is then defined and layered with various tools and techniques to set life in motion toward a desired direction. This ensures a dynamic and adaptive partnership, fostering exciting and sustainable results throughout the coaching experience.
For those seeking a self-guided journey, I offer courses that provide a step-by-step approach to life transformation in targeted categories. Explore the Life, Family, Wellness, and Vision Board Relaunch Projects to create meaningful changes at your own pace.
Whether delivering a keynote address at a large event or leading smaller groups through transformative workshops, my expertise lies in providing an engaging experience tailored to the specific needs of each group. My most popular trainings include The Power of a Soul-Synced Vision Board, How to Win When Life Isn't Working, The Five Phases of a Goal, Natural Solutions for an Empowered Life, and Balancing Act: The Four Keys to Thriving in Business and Parenting. Check out my Speaker Sheet.
Would we be a good fit? Schedule a call now!